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Senior Member
Aug 13, 2009
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Yes, I know, this topic is for non-winemaking posts. It doesn't fit anywhere else though.

I've been threatening to do this for a while and now I've finally started it.

I ordered a Vino Italiano Shiraz kit to add elderberries to. The idea is that using wine grape juice will be better than water for a 3#/g batch.

Using pure fruit juice is great, but usually ends up less complex in flavor with high acid levels to deal with.

I thawed, mashed and treated 18# of frozen elderberries with PE. I pressed the berries and got around 1-1/2g of juice.

This was added to the Shiraz concentrate and the total volume was brought to 23L + 1/2g.

I didn't test the acid beyond tasting (laziness), the SG was 1085. I used the bentonite and yeast (1118) that came with the kit.

I'm planning to oak this and get a sense of how it will be as a dry red, considering backsweetening as a possibility later on if it needs it. Would be nice to have a hybrid grape/fruit wine that's a bit more serious than a mist kit. Time will tell!!

I'll update as this progresses.
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Pretty lousy title for this post. If anybody wants to follow the progress, they will have a hard time finding this post.

Is it possible to change titles on this forum?

Steve's right. If one of the mods wouldn't mind changing it, "Elderberry-Shiraz" would be a better title.

My typing went a different direction than I was thinking when I started.

Thanks for being interested, Steve :)
Bob, we do this kind of thing every year, we like to take a port kit and dilute it with pure elderberry juice, or if its not one of the kits you dilute add a bunch of dried elderberries to it. It also works if you take a 3 gal port kit and add black raspberry or blackberry juice. I think the kit people have buffered the kits well so that people dont screw them up easily and adding some raw juice doesnt throw them out of whack as much as you would think. Especially elderberry as it doesnt have much acid in it anyways. You are going to like it. Crakedcork
That's encouraging, CC - thanks for the input.