Hi All,
Embarrased to admit it but here is what happened....I'm making 30 gallons of Pinot Gris (Wine Expert Kits). I had 27 gallons clear and was letting last 3 gallons settle out to recover a couple more gallons of wine off of the sediment. I put about a cup of SO2 solution (concentration of2.5 tablespoons/gallon) into an emptycarboy and then racked 2.5 gallons of wineoff of the sediment into this carboy.....but I forgot to pour out the cup of SO2 from the carboy first. My question...can I use this 2.5 gallons of high SO2 wine to top off 5 carboys (about 1/2 gallon in each carboy) without damaging the whole batch...or should I dump the high SO2 wine.
Embarrased to admit it but here is what happened....I'm making 30 gallons of Pinot Gris (Wine Expert Kits). I had 27 gallons clear and was letting last 3 gallons settle out to recover a couple more gallons of wine off of the sediment. I put about a cup of SO2 solution (concentration of2.5 tablespoons/gallon) into an emptycarboy and then racked 2.5 gallons of wineoff of the sediment into this carboy.....but I forgot to pour out the cup of SO2 from the carboy first. My question...can I use this 2.5 gallons of high SO2 wine to top off 5 carboys (about 1/2 gallon in each carboy) without damaging the whole batch...or should I dump the high SO2 wine.