just a guy
Just for mixing purposes. But it was already dissolved before I added it, so it makes sense I wouldn't have to.
Again, thank you all for all the advice, really appreciate it! I think it'll turn out fine. The kit said 2-3 weeks, I'm thinking 4-5 weeks seeing as I added extra sugar. But we'll let the hydrometer decide that. I'm not gonna rush this batch.
Any time I add a simple syrup (2cps sugar:
1cp water) I still stir it in. If it's in a carboy then the back end of the stirring spoons or paddles are made to fit through. No need to shake anything.
Side tip: if I need to stir a topped up full carboy the spoon would displace wine and overflow so I use a racking cane to stir without overflow.
But What are you referring to for 4-5 weeks? A finished product? The timelines given are probably minimum time until bottling- but not drinking.
The longer you wait the better it gets. Try and put a few bottles aside and taste again in 6 months. I'm thinking you will be pleasantly surprised.