Fear not technology good people. Technology is what has set the USA ahead of the rest of the World and will continue to do so. As to the infrastructure for power, we already use the electricity to make gasoline. 6kwh of electricity to make a single gallon of gas. That is an estimate, older plants use more, newer plants use less. That 1 gal of gas will take the average car in about 20 miles. that same 6kwh of electricity will take an EV that same 20 miles. You have taken the process of fossil fuel out of the middle and efficiency went up from some 18% to above 94%. The near elimination of waste. You can now drive from one end of the country to the other and fast charge all along the way. As the EVs come the charge stations will increase and the speed they charge too will increase. Remember the 1st VCR, $1200 and ate tapes, the last one you could by for $29.95 and could throw off the roof and not hurt. As to the batteries, they will be recycled as well as new battery technology will make different chemistries available but still usable from the same chargers. No more sending billions a day to the Middle East for oil so they can use the money to kill us. No more worrying how much a gallon of gas cost. The future is bright so long as we don't elect another person that wants to turn the USA into another Russia, Turkey or Hungary.