Hey everyone, this may be a dumb question but I'm new to all the different grapes and grape wines in general really. I just got a email from my local homebrew store about pre ordering fall juice buckets. I've never done one before, but did some reading on here about the possibility of them already fermenting and different things. My question is....I have no idea what the difference is in grape varietys. To my unrefined heathen palate, Concord is the only wine grape variety I've ever really liked(or tried really). Church wine, what can I say. So I geuss my question is what variety of grape red or white California or Italian would you recommend to someone who likes semi-sweet Concord? Thanks everyone.
Edit. Also thought I should mention, I'm opening to trying new things. I just don't know where to start.
Edit. Also thought I should mention, I'm opening to trying new things. I just don't know where to start.