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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2009
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What kind of luck have you had with whole house filters? how do they compare to a Buno super jet Filter??
What do you mean by luck. You can get any kind of filter you want as far as micron goes with a Wholee house filtef but are very limited when it comes to the Super Jet. If you want you can Sterile filter a wine with a whole house filter. You can also get most filters for the whole house at any Home Improvemnet store with the exception of sterile filtering as that would need to be ordered from a wine supply or a filter store. I dont think you can degas a wine with the Super Jet. Not sure about bottling.
Wade-sounds like you approve of whole house filters, are you saying that you could get a clearer wine with wholehouse vs. super jet. the only reason I ask is because the lowest micron I find for a wholehouse is 1 and the super jet does not list the microns, only fine course etc.
I finally bought a whole house filter. As Wade said, Any size filter. I have already sterile filtered a couple of wines. 6 gallons of semi cloudy wine run through one filter without plugging it up. Only did it to see if it could be done.
Valley Vintner sells .35 micron but for sterile filtering you want whats called an Absolute filter and they have thise for .45 micron. They also have .5, 1,2,5,10, and 20 micron. The Absolute filter is very expensive but remember that you can use one, store, it in sulfite solution and resuse.
Redneck, did you use an absolute filter or just .45? Ive been told that unless you are using an Absolute filter you are still at risk slightly.
Mine was just a .45 I think. Don't remember anything about absolute. Worked great though.
Wade, what are you at risk

The risk would be not getting all of the yeast skins filtered out, then a re-fermentation at back-sweetening. I used a good bit of p sorbate as well, and put back into the carboy for now instead of strait to bottle. Gonna give it about 2 weeks then bottle.

Dan is quicker than me with the answers tonight. I need a glass of wine!
The sorbate then took care of anything missed so I believe there is no possible chance of re-fermentation at all now!
I have an extra whole house filter I was going to use for filling the hot tub but never got around to it. How do I hook it up to filter wine? I have a vacuum pump and an electric WineSaver (worked well for degassing).

I was at 2 LHBS this week and both guys said they don't filter. One (whom I trust more) says it's not worth the expense. The other guy said he doesn't use them because it strips the wine out. Is this real or in his head? I've read a bunch of filter or not threads and can't seem to get a consensus of what you guys do here. Why I trust a forum of strangers I don't know!
You will always find somebody in the "no filter" camp. Bottom line, if it was stripping out flavor would the commercial wineries be doing it? 99% of commercial wineries filter. People don't like crude in the bottom of their wine glasses. That is the bottom line. A 1 micron filter is fine enough to polish the wine but not strip it of any flavor.