Mosti Mondiale First Kit stopped cookin' at 36 hrs!

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New Kid

Mar 12, 2009
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OK, so my MM Gewurtz kit was cookin" like gangbusters for the first 48 hrs. Then I stirred it one more time, put the lid on and let it go for another 23, came home, still cookin', took off lid, stirred and replaced lid. Left another 24 hours, came in today, no bubbles, not cookin' at all. What have I done!?
Have you taken an SG reading to see where its at..It possibly is finished.
Can't, hydrometer fell to floor! (see post: You gotta help the Newbie!)I'm still waitin' for newly ordered "pair" to arrive!
Put your ear close to the wine, not in it ..... Do you hear any crackling? Look at the surface you may even see a little fizz. Keep in mind the all wines don't ferment according to the directions and lots of other factors could slow down a fermentation as well. Whats the air and the wine temperature? If its too cold the yeast will slow down and you may need to warm things up so they can get back to work.
I dont have enough experience to give advice. All 3 of my kits,(over 2 months), have completed primary in 4 days or less at around 74 degF. Based on what little I know I would reccomend not taking the lid off any more than necessary, until one of the real experts tells you to go ahead and rack to glass, or you get the hydrometer to verify.
It has been 4 days now - 48+23+24= ~4days. It is probably ready to transfer to the secondary. If it fermented vigorously that long, it will be in the proper range to transfer. I would go ahead first chance you get to do it. Put the airlock on the carboy and see how many bubbles per minute you get. If you will get the hydrometer within 2 days, you could wait and check it before you transfer.

Don't fret. Chances are in your favor that it is perfect! Hang in there!
Ahh, yes,'s cracklin', it's fizzin' and by the time you got me to take another look...the air lock was bubblin'! Once again a master has relieved my anxiety. I am a real fan of this wine making thing and oh soooo want my first batch to be great! I am like a mom anticipating the birth of their first born!!
Thank you. I will be so relieved when that hydrometer finally gets here. Novice and feel so bare without the tools!
If you can not see any bubbles on top I would still follow the directions for time that came with the kit. Hopefully you ordered another hydrometer. That is one of the most important thing you need in winemaking. Once you have a new one then you will have a better idea where you are in fermentation.
Another note is that the primary lids little rubber grommet where the airlock goes in are notorious for leaking and when this happens the airlock goes still. I have drilled bigger holes carefully and now use #6 rubber bungs in all 5 of my primary buckets.
Isn't it just great the speed and quality of the responses that you get? This truly is a wonderful forum. I was very nervous when I made my first batch and if it wasn't for helpful people like them I would have gotten ulcers and probably found a new hobby. Just follow thekit instructions, take the great advice from the members and enjoy the "fruits" of your labors when you open that first bottle!
Hey Madnurse, I agree. I don't know what I would have done, short of two Xanax and a glass of wine!...if these guys hadn't stepped in with some words of wisdom. too...nurse since '79!
Using a hydrometer is a male engineer ego thing anyway. As some one posted on here long ago, (they did get flamed), their Great, Great, (X20), Great Grand Father made wine the King would kill for. He never used K-Meta, Plastic buckets, bubblers, or even A HYDROMETER.
That because they didnt have 1, if they did they would use a hydrometer!They also didnt have cars, do you drive 1?
wade said:
That because they didnt have 1, if they did they would use a hydrometer!They also didnt have cars, do you drive 1?

Only for trips to the LBHS.

Obviously 1979 was a very good year for nurses!!!!!!!!! (and my son graduates from the Nursing program at Boise State in May). Good luck with your winemaking and don't hesitate to ask questions.
wade said:
My wife is taking classes right now for nursing! $$$$$$

But Wade the base salary starting for nurses here is about $24 an hour for registered nurses. Those with experience make in the $30 range. Plus there is a differential that gets paid for working weekends and nights. but even still $24 an hour translates in to just under $50K a year..............

Your area results
Yeah, yeah $$$ is good, but believe me, nurses earn EVERY PENNY of it! BTW, racked down to glass last night...hydrometer came in!!...with SG of 1.036. It was time! I noticed that next step is to rack to glass and get rid of the CO2. Then add siligel and liquigel. I would like to bulk age for a couple of 3 month time frames prior to bottling. Would this not be the most excellent time to do this, adding my 1/4 tsp. metaBS? Or do you not recommend bulk aging a kit on first try?
New Kid,
Bulk Age! The longer the better, even on a first kit. Throw out the expectation you can drink these kits in 16-20 weeks and you will find your wines are much better after some age. George has an article under Resources worth reading. Here is a link to it:
I was advised on this forum to be patient and that is starting to pay off after two years. Whites don't need that long but the reds sure benefit!
I would bulk age every time. Once your wine has finished add the rest of the ingredients and don't worry if you are late in adding them. How long are you going to bulk age your wine? If its only going to be for 3 months I would jusy add the kmeta a week or so before bottling.

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