Mosti Mondiale First Kit

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Jan 8, 2010
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After making mostly fruit wines (with the expection of a few grape juice wines from WM) for the last 2 years. I have ordered my first Kit. A MM Vinifera Noble Barolo. I wanted to taste a real grape wine(other than store bought, and not that fruit wines are not real wines know). If this works out , I hope to move up in class with something better. I have my sights set on something if I can save the bills, and can get one. Any comments.
Good luck with it.

Kits seem pretty easy after fruit. (IMO)

But I sure like doing them, and some have great results.
Righr now my head feels as big as the wine kit I got from George today. Complete with peanuts. I have caught a cold
. I do not even feel well enough to read the instructions for the kit. I did however manage to start making the label for it though. It should be done by the time the wine is ready for bottling. Tomorrow might be a better day.
Ahhh, that stinks! Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you're better soon!
Today I tasted my MMBarolo Kitfor the first time, WOW!. I can't wait to taste it a year from now. It should be ready to bottle in another month.
Glad you liked your 1st kit, should be great in about another 6-8 months.