First timer - cbrite

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Oct 22, 2012
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Hello everyone!

First time making wine, so far enjoying it greatly. I've done a ton of searching and couldn't seem to find the answer i was looking for. I used cbrite to sanitize my equipment. I read all about the packaging change and what not but hasn't seem to reassure me. Over the course of fermenting id say around 2 Tbls of cbrite (1 packet dissolved in 2 gallons of water) has got mixed in with my wine; should i be worried? The wine tastes great, im just concerned if its safe.

Thank you all in advance!

Thank you
Well, you tested, flavor is great and you didn't die... I guess it's OK
When it comes to personal safety, call the company. They would know best. Also look for what ingredients are in it and check with the CDC.

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