Appleman, I took whole strawberries in a bit of water and added about a cup of sugar. Boiled this. Then poured it in a blender and blended the strawberries. Put this in a paint strainer bag and squeezed the bgb's out of it.
I had already added the k-meta and sorbate a couple of weeks earlier.
I had used the f-pac directions thatTepe had suggested.
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<TD =msgOddTableSide vAlign=top rowSpan=4>Winemaster Member
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Posted: 01 February 2009 at 8:41am</TD></TR>
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<DIV =msg style=": left; OVERFLOW: auto">One other thing. If you are gonna do a f-pac you might want to add the clearifier after you make the f-pac.
I make a f-pac a little different. For 1 gal I would use 1 1/2# of fresh or frozen strawberries. Put them in a large frying pan and
warm them and add some simple syrup,let the water from the strawberriesevaporate. Do not boil. Then strain and add to your wine. After that TASTE to your liking and add more simple syrup to taste. Let it clear for a month..or more thenbottle.
FYI I bulk age my fruit wines for at least 6 months.</TD></TR>
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<DIV =msgSignature style=": left; OVERFLOW: auto">Sometimes I reflect back on all the wine I drink. Then I think of the dreams of the winemakers. If I didn't drink this wine, they might be out
of work and their dreams would be shattered.