Fruit Fly Trap

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Feb 9, 2010
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Is it me, or is this year seem to bring an extraordinary number of fruit flies?

I normally just leave a 1/2 empty bottle of wine to trap the little @#$#s, but I think they have adapted.

I then made the trap recomended so often on this site (thanks runningwolf) of taking a 2 liter soda bottle , cutting it in half, and insert the inverted top into the base. A drop of soap and some must in the bottom.

Boy does this work nice! Must have traped about a hundred of them.

Will take a picture an post it tomorrow.
That sounds like an effective trap and the price is sure right.

Fortunately, in my area we don't seem to have a problem with fruit flies. We do have an occasional gnat and they do like to land in the wine.
when i get an infestation I just leave an open bowl of Apple cider vinegar with a drop of dish soap in it and similarly collect hundreds overnight.
Is it me, or is this year seem to bring an extraordinary number of fruit flies?

I normally just leave a 1/2 empty bottle of wine to trap the little @#$#s, but I think they have adapted.

I then made the trap recomended so often on this site (thanks runningwolf) of taking a 2 liter soda bottle , cutting it in half, and insert the inverted top into the base. A drop of soap and some must in the bottom.

Boy does this work nice! Must have traped about a hundred of them.

Will take a picture an post it tomorrow.

Thanks, I would love to take credit but that one was not mine.
I have NEVER had an issue with fruit flys... a couple here and there but not a big nuisance.. this year however they are all over the place.... going to try some of these methods
BTW that also works awsome for yellow hackets on the patio!
I made one of the 2L pop bottle traps also. We had a ton of fruit flies, but it really thinned them out.
A good frost will take care of them. Now if we can get rid of the stink bugs. They are everywhere.

Big Jeff, I too hate those "Yellow Hackets"!:)
Oh man I know what you mean on the stink bugs dang thnigs are everywhere, never seen so many bee's haven't been any problem, fruit flys about normal all over the place
I believe it's a bayberry candle smell that the stink bugs don't care for. Burn one in your home and they tend to stay away.

My first encounter this year was while I was picking choke cherries. They kept getting in my hair and bucket.