This is probably on the wrong forum, but after reading the small print I can't find one that fits just equipment, I may have over-looked it.
I haven't seen the presses yet, they are about 70 miles from here, plan on going sometime this week to look at them. As I said, I know nothing about them or how to use them, I figure I'll post those questions after I get one.
How do I tell the difference between a apple press and a grape press, I want a grape press. Who are the good manufacturers and what type of screw type device is best and which one to stay away from. I seen some cheap one on the internet and read some bad reviews on them. Also, what is a ball park figure for the price of a good one. What parts wear out first and what to look for. Lot of questions, but I looked at two on e-bay and they were $400. If that is the case, I guess I'll have to keep squeezing them with my hands. Thanks for any advice.
Semper Fi