We have/had blueberries, red raspberries, blackberries, rhubarb, sour cherries, peaches, strawberries for two different recipes and yes.... dandelion petals!!!
Right now in my freezer I have red currants (not enough yet), raspberries, rhubarb, and blueberries. There are apples too, but those are for pie - not wine - some of the blueberries are destined for pie too! There's also a small packet of canteloupe, tagged for a wine collage *maybe* - or they may end up in a smoothie.
Blackberries, strawberries, & blueberries remain from the summer pickings. Most will be used this winter for pies and jellies and jams. I have used almost all that I need for the wine already. But you never know, it could turn into wine....
Just crab apples and raspberries and I just took out 18 lbs of raspberries and started a 6 gallon batch. Still have about another 14 lbs in there and still collecting.
What about a raspberry port? I have cranberries, Carlos & Noble grapes, and a couple of bags of tropical fruit (mangos, papaya, pineapple and such) that I will blend with some of the Carlos grapes for a for a nice tropical wine this winter.