Mosti Mondiale Gewurtztraminer tastes sour

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New Kid

Mar 12, 2009
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I have a question appropriate for the very first kit, a gewurztraminer seems to be doing fine. But yesterday SG was 0.996, that is at 8 days post fermentation begin, and the SG is the same again today. The taste yesterday was still sorta sweet but had a bite to it. Today I would say that it is more sour. I have racked and added my sulfitesand sili and liquigels but am concerned that it tasted sour and its color is a sort of yellow green. Does that sound right to you or do I need to be concerned?'s a day later and the wine is very clear, but still slightly yellow green. Is that the right color? Also, when I degassed yesterday, very LITTLE gas came out, but there does not seem to be any gas there, nor is the air lock bubbling very much. From what I have read that is a good sign...right? Guess bottom line is that I am concerned because little degassing was needed, the wine tasted more sour than just one day prior and the color is not golden but yellow green. I am new and extremely OCD, thus am worried that I have overlooked something or have a problem. Can someone ease my pain? Or do I actually have something to worry about?

If your SG reading is correct ( Might want to check it again) you have already stabilized then if your airlock is still bubbling it means the wine is releasing gas so it still has some in it. Pull out a sample, put it in a small bottle, place your thumb over the opening and shake it up good. Release your thumb and if it spews it still has gas in it. I think the color is probably about right for a Gurtz
Gewurztraminer has that sorta strange color and is a little sour in the beginning which will turn into a sorta spicy bite to it over time.
Ok, so I just checked. My SG was wrong, it is .998, not .996. AND I did not pass the fizzy test! I can hear it fizzing. I read that if your SG is not the same for two days in a row that fermentation is not finished. So big question is what do I do now!! I have already added the sulfites and the siligel and liquigel. Have I totally screwed this up or is there something I can do?
I think you will be fine but always, always confirm your sg readings on two consecutive days before moving forward. I would let it go ahead and finish then degas thoroughlyand let it set for a while and see if it will go ahead and clear up. You may have to use another fining agent later if needed but I would not add any more sorbate or k-meta to it right now.
Thank you. BTW, wine is as clear as a bell. So I just sit and wait until time to rack down before bottling?

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