Good thoughts and Prayers for my friend Georgia

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Senior Member
Oct 30, 2011
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Most of you have heard us talk about our elderly neighbor who made some wine and when she was feeling up to it, she would helps us. She slipped into a coma in the wee hours this morning and the family is meeting today for everyone to say their good-byes. Her son came by here early this morning with a note she wrote to us and to tell us of her being in a coma. We cannot bring ourselves to read it just yet.

She made the Blackberry Wine, mostly on her own and did some unconventional things. Added way too much water to a blackberry concentrate and then add jars of her homemade blackberry jam. Really sweet with an OG of 1.110. Her first born granddaughter is getting married this fall and 12 bottles are for her wedding. The rest are for her kids and grand-kids old enough to drink for Christmas. We will store the bottles in our new wine cellar.

Georgia and her husband (deceased many years ago) made wine many, many years ago and blackberry was their favorite. Boy the stories she would tell us!

We did degas it using the AI1 pump yesterday three times and added k-meta and she was pleased with the taste so we bottled 41 bottles. While her wine is still considered young, she was insistent on tasting and getting it bottled yesterday.

Maybe she knew her fate? Who knows?
My prayers and thoughts go to you, Georgia and her family, Sammyk. How wonderful that is, that you had such a delightful neighbor.
Sad to hear, I will pray as you have asked.

It is great to hear you will be carrying out her gifts for the wedding and family. That is special and will mean a lot to the family.
May we all get such a good neighbor as you for caring so much and carrying out her wishes. Thoughts and prayers on all.

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