Got my new Thermocapsuler!!

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Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
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So a new LHBS opened up in my area (Brew and Wine Supply Hillsboro, MO owned by a member on the forum (Dougxox)). It was very nice to meet Doug and a pleasure doing business with him.

I contacted Doug - and within a day I had a price - and within a week - my Thermocapsuler was in!!

Great store and I will definitely make that my go to store for supplies!!!
As Dan would say - without pictures we don't believe you :)

It's nice to have a local place you like.
Jon, I'm so jealous. For now I'll just have to use my heat gun. It's nice to have a good store, with good service, close at hand.
As Dan would say - without pictures we don't believe you :)

It's nice to have a local place you like.

I will get pictures for you.. It is a christmas gift from my folks - so i have to wait until christmas to actually "get it" :))
Thanks Jon, it was a pleasure talking with you today. Glad you're happy with the capsuler.
Right now the website is "under construction" with just contact info. I hope to go live with it next week.

A bit of backround info on me and the store: I owned a liquor store for 10 years and sold it in Oct. the new owners did not want the two shelves of basic beer and wine supplies I had there so I moved down the plaza to the present location and expanded. I have made a number of batches of beer a few years back and just recently got into making wine, including buying 3 acres and planting about 200 grape vines. Before the liquor store I was a vendor for big box hardware stores ( HQ, Builders Square, Home Depot and Lowes) for about 12 years. I know retail and just enough about beer and wine making to be dangerous. LOL.

Right now I am what "I" concider small but growing, with big asperations and a competitive spirit, along with a business pride not found much in todays market.
That said, once things get going I will be proud to be a sponsor of this site. I have PM'ed Wade and gotten the info I need, and looking to spring to make it happen. Right now a lot is going into the "getting in, and up and running" stage of the game.

Anything you need give me a call, if I don't have it, I have multiple vendors I deal with and can get it in short time. Please bear with me as I am new and growing and will be able to handle all your needs soon.

Along with Beer and Wine making supplies, I also carry roast and grind your own coffees, organic teas, soda supplies, and cheese making supplies.
Thanks for the chance for the shameless
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Doug not to hi-jack this thread but you started it :). Welcome aboard, I've been reading your posts and enjoy them very much. I also spent 12 years at Home Depot at a district level. I look forward to seeing you as a member. You really hit a "buzz word" when you said cheese making as several members are making it and others thinking about it.
Congrats Doug - wish you luck.
Don't forget - it's the customer that makes the business a success.
Congratulations Doug, on your business venture. I wish you great success. Are you planning to eventually do internet sales? Good Luck! :br
Are you planning to eventually do internet sales? Good Luck! :br

Yes I am, working on it now. Its a lot of work trying to enter each and every item in the store, then I have to go back and take photos :pic of everything and load it in too. Looking to get in turned on next week some time.:db
it will be an ongoing project as new products keep coming in.
Exactly what I was thinking when I read Doug's post. If wine isn't on my brain then it is cheese! :) I am so hoping Santa got my letter about cheese making supplies.:sn
Hi Doug and welcome aboard, can't wait to check out the new website!

Doug not to hi-jack this thread but you started it :). Welcome aboard, I've been reading your posts and enjoy them very much. I also spent 12 years at Home Depot at a district level. I look forward to seeing you as a member. You really hit a "buzz word" when you said cheese making as several members are making it and others thinking about it.