Got to love a good "popup"

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Feb 9, 2010
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So the wife's birthday was last Wednesday. One of the "gifts" she wanted was for me to promise to plan NOTHING over the weekend. She wanted to do some gardening in the front of the house, go out to dinner, and perhaps go for a drive.

I understood where she was coming from. Our weekends have seemed rather jam packed over the last 6 months or so. I can not remember the last time we had a nice, quiet, relaxing weekend.

I was very good at turning down things. It took some effort, but I did manage to keep last weekend free with only one exception. My Mom and Dad (who winter in Florida) have arrived back up north and I really needed to pay them a short visit.

We arrived at their place and sat out on their porch. Just a short time later, my brother and his wife showed up and then my niece. When my parents commented on how they had no food in the house, the wife caved and invited them to dinner. We ended up rushing home so that I could start cooking. I had about 1 hour to get everything ready.

I had already planned on a big Sunday dinner for me and the Mrs, and had a TON of food for just the two of us (I am always making way too much). All we needed to do was to pull over and pick up a couple of extra potatoes. Here is what we had...

Tomato/basil Bruschetta over sliced French bread
Stuffed Olives

Iceberg lettuce salad with thousand island dressing
London Broil,
Red wine/beef stock reduction
Sautéed Mushrooms,
Baked Potatoes
Nice and Thin Asparagus
Garlic Bread

Dessert: Store bough cake and ice cream pops (what?? you expect me to bake too???)

I pulled the entire meal together in about an 30 minutes. This gave me enough time to clean the deck and scrub down the deck furniture.

Boy did we have a good time! It was great to sit outside in perfect weather with my younger brother and dad and sip some of the 2014 Chilean cab. By the time the folks left and had the dishes done and the place cleaned up, it was time for Bed.

I do firmly believe that the universe just does not want us to have a boring weekend (not that I am complaining). These little "popup" gatherings are always a real unexpected pleasure.
Popup = Good

On the flip side

Broken promise = Bad
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