granular residue after cleaning carboys

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8 year veteran
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
West MI
Well, a busy day in the workshop. I started the day by making a 7 gallon batch of easy clean in my primary. Over the course of the day I used my vacuum pump to transfer the fluid between 7 carboys. I filled 'em to the brim then transfered to the next. I noticed some granules on the last couple of carboys near the neck. My guess is that these are yeasties or tartrate and may end up being of little consequence after six minutes in the future bisulfite gas chamber. They must have been floating at the top to be adherent to the neck of the jug. I can move them with a brush but darned if they'll easily rinse out. Any thoughts?

If it helps at all - I use Oxy clean with the Carboy Cleaner that attaches to the drill.
Thanks Steve, as always, good advice. How aggressively do you rinse after oxyclean?
Thanks Steve, as always, good advice. How aggressively do you rinse after oxyclean?

Just a good rinse or 2
If you have really stubborn stains - I like to soak the entire carboy with non scented oxyclean - for a couple of hours atleast. The carboy cleaner does a great job for cleaning the carboys as well.
Try automatic dishwashing soap (the gel kind). Just a little squirt and a couple cups of warm water. Shake well and see how clean it makes things.

This stuff melts stubborn stains and also wine diamonds. Give it a try and be sure to rinse 3 times in water that is hotter than the soap solution.
