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Happy Birthday Scotty! What does Miss Rocky have planned for you today? If you spend 5 or 10 minutes with each hobby, your day will be full.
appleman said:
Happy Birthday Scotty! What does Miss Rocky have planned for you today? If you spend 5 or 10 minutes with each hobby, your day will be full.

He wants an apple pie, so he will get an apple pie today. Plus, a special birthday dinner for two.

Happy birthday to my Honeybug.
Happy Birthday Scotty.....You have a good one and enjoy....CHEERS
Happy Birthday, Enjoy your day

Can't wait to see the cake from PWP
H a p p y B i r t h d a y!!!!

Hope you are having a wonderful day, enjoying your wine, cheese, sausage and your sweetie.

Happy birthday, Scotty!
I'm wishing could be there in person to celebrate with you. If you saw the pictures that Northern Winos posted, then you'll understand why I feel that way.

In celebration of your birthday and the great place that you live, I thought that a seaside cake was in order.

Okay, dive in! The water's fine!
Happy Birthday Scotty,

Cheers to you and hoping you have a wonderful day!
Waldo said:
Hope you have a fantastic and memorable day buddy !!!

Hey Waldo we had strawberry zinfandel with our surf and turf dinner.

BTW it came from the cats meow winery.

It was excellent.
Happy Birthday Scotty, I hope you have many more to come. Sorry for the delay,but my mother has been in very bad health andI' m trying to run 2 households. GOD BLESS
whoa, I missed this....happy belated birthday Scotty.
hannabarn said:
Happy Birthday Scotty! I'm enjoying your recipe for mock chianti!

i enjoy the recipe too.. try drinking it for even more enjoyment