Thank you, Julie. I remember the day I became a father. I was in college (having gone through the Service) and my wife awoke me at about 6:00 AM and said, "Quick, get me a towel!" I reached into the linen closet and grabbed about 10. She said, "I just need one." We drove to the hospital not stopping long for any traffic lights and met our doctor there at about 7:00 AM. I went into the waiting room and sat down with the other prospective dads. I was excited about our baby but I was also concerned that had three mid-term exams that morning; at 11:00 (Calculus), 12:00 (German) and 1:00 (Physics). About an hour later the phone in the waiting room rang and the nurse listened and hung up. She said, "No one is doing much of anything except Mrs. Rocky." I still remember the glares I got from men who had been there all night! At about 9:30, the phone rang and the doctor wanted to talk to me. He said, "You have a beautiful daughter!" I went quickly to see my wife and new daughter and then hustled down to the University to take my exams. March 1, 1967 was perhaps the best day of my life. I had a daughter and I got three A's on my mid-terms. I never did that before or since!
Happy Father's Day to all.