Has anyone used the bluvite product in their vineyard?

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Senior Member
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Dec 13, 2021
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Templeton, CA
Subject line pretty much says it - I have a friend who has recently retired from his vineyard in Sonoma (as in he sold it and moved to ski country). He was checking in to see how my vineyard did this first year and after showing him pictures, he suggested that the vines would be ready for this product at bud break in the spring.

I checked with contacts in the Paso wine industry and it wasn’t something that anyone was using - not because they didn’t like it - more a matter of a lack of familiarity. My Sonoma friend said it was used in most of the organic vineyards up there…

So I thought I’d check in here and see if anyone has used it or considered using it in the past. It sounds like a good idea from the data sheets but then again, in a past life, I used to write data sheets for software products - and they all sounded good too!
