?? How in the world is that nasty?What a nasty comment!
I challenged and still do challenge the quality of the instructions, It is a perfectly logical and rational thing to do. Furthermore it is common knowledge that work is outsourced by corporations to foreign countries and that often accounts for a lack of quality. This kind of thing is more common than sand.
And I am certain that accounts for the lack of quality in the printed instructions of most of the kits. They are woefully inadequate as if produced by someone without experience, someone trying to "imagine the sound".
Being able to critically challenge ideas , to think critically is a necessary component of intellectual function. And not being able to challenge this fundamental concept is probably the source of the general disagreement here about ullage..
I repeat : "The so called instructions that come with the kits are generic and meaningless and often just plain wrong, untrustworthy. "
That is my opinion based on my observations based on logical function, not emotional function..
By all means , if I say something you don't like feel free not to engage
However your accusation or ad hominem that my negative conclusion is meant to be abusive to someone is baseless.
Adn this does not win the argument about the question of ullage.
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