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Feb 29, 2012
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My name is Steve. I live in rural Western Maine.

I was excited to see this forum spring up! I have been a homebrewing beer, and a homebrewtalker for years! I made a half-hearted attempt at wine a few years back. It was alright, but I wasn't happy with it. My girlfriend is showing a lot of interest in learning to make wine with me. This forum couldn't have come at a better time. I make good beer now and I attribute that almost completely to the wealth of information and the community at homebrewtalk. I hope and fully expect to have the same experience here with my wine and I am totally looking forward to it! Hello to you all!
Welcome Steve, lots of good info and advice on this site. You'll be making stellar wine in no time.
Welcome Steve, this is the sister site to Homebrewtalk just so you know. We are glad to have you here and will answer all your questions.
Welcome to WineMakingTalk.com

Also this site didn't just spring up. It has been around for quite a few years now and has been very active the last several years.

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