Hello from Sacramento CA

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Jul 29, 2024
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Hello everyone. I’m from Sacramento. I moved into a new place with quite a few grape vines and I’m not sure how to care for them properly so I thought I’d jump in here to learn from you all. Looking forward to being here.
Welcome @AJI, Do you have any idea what type of grape you have? How about the style of pruning and trellis?
Thank you. I have no idea what types of grapes they are or what the style of pruning and trellising is was with the previous owners. I’m new to caring for vines so I thought I’d come here and learn from some experienced growers.
Thank you. I have no idea what types of grapes they are or what the style of pruning and trellising is was with the previous owners. I’m new to caring for vines so I thought I’d come here and learn from some experienced growers.
It may sounds silly but we should figure out if they are wine grapevines. In Sacremento, you should be in veraison. Has it set fruit? How large are the fruit? What color? How many grapes on a bunch? Are the grapes tight in a bunch or loose and scraggly?
It may sounds silly but we should figure out if they are wine grapevines. In Sacremento, you should be in veraison. Has it set fruit? How large are the fruit? What color? How many grapes on a bunch? Are the grapes tight in a bunch or loose and scraggly?
Yes, we are already in veraison. One vine has larger grapes that are very dark purple, almost black. The other vine’s fruit are on the smaller side comparatively and they are a light purple/greenish. The bunches on the latter vine are very large. Smaller bunches on the darker grapes. The fruit are loose and scraggly.
Welcome to WMT! You will learn a bunch. You will make mistakes. You will make wine crom your grapes, table or wine. Post pictures. Also find a local wine club. Maybe you can contact the previous ower who might know. ask questions. We will help and assist. Ask your county extention Agent or a local wine school or club. You can go as far or not as you wish.
BTW. How did you find WMT?