Hello from the deep South!

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Country Wine Artisan 🍷
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
Southern Mississippi
Hello fellow wine connoisseurs. I have been making homemade wine since 2004. Mostly blueberry, muscadine and citric wines like skeeter pee.
We grow our own nobel muscadines, various citrus trees and blueberries. So it makes it easy to have plenty of fresh or frozen goodies on hand. I just wanted to introduce myself and look forward to being a part of this community. Please know that I am not an expert wine maker by no means but I have learnt a lot along my journey. My wife and I do enjoy making it and indulging in tasty beverages from time to time!
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Welcome to WMT
it is good to see another country wine maker, deep south, humm have seen various parts when I worked in the rice industry.
Thanks! And yes, I should have included where at in the South. I am in Southern Mississippi near the gulf coast.
Welcome. I realize it was a spelling mistake but wouldn't blurberry be a good name for a wine?
Welcome to WMT! I've visited family in northern Mississippi, close to Memphis. I bet there is no humidity in southern Mississippi.
Welcome to WMT! I've visited family in northern Mississippi, close to Memphis. I bet there is no humidity in southern Mississippi.
Welcome to WMT! I've visited family in northern Mississippi, close to Memphis. I bet there is no humidity in southern Mississippi.
Yeah right! Lol
Around here in the summer you can sit and watch fish swim by in mid air lol

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