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Exp Drinker/Junior Vintner
Mar 21, 2017
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Hello WMT forum people! My dad introduced me to wine about 10 years ago and I quickly acquired a liking to cabernet sauvignon, hence my username. I really don't drink much else, occasionally I'll have a merlot, but that's about it. I don't drink white wine at all, nothing against it but it just doesn't do anything for me. I just recently decided to venture into wine making and I've reached the point that I've watched the youtube videos, researched the equipment and process as much as possible on my own. So I'm here to learn and have a resource to ask questions. I plan on getting a starter kit to make a 3 gallon batch for my first go round.

A little about me, I'm an Ohio born and raised husband, father, outdoorsman. I love trying new crafts, building things, tinkering, solar power, off-grid camping, etc. What better than to add winemaking!! So I'll step down from my soap box before the grapes start flying...I look forward to getting to know everyone and learning how to fill my wine rack! :ib

P.S. Oh yeah, I might be ahead of myself but I've already made a label and picked a name for my homemade wine. I decided on "Contre le Vent" which means "Against the Wind" in French. My dad's favorite song is Against the Wind by Bob Seger.
Welcome! You'll find this forum extremely helpful. Everyone gladly offers great advice. If you're looking for suggestions or tips getting started I would highly recommend to "Turn The Page" on that 3 gallon kit and do a 6 gallon. Same exact amount of work but more wine.
And Take notes! Keep a decent log because you're definitely gonna be referring back to it as details are easily forgotten. (this forum is great for conveniently viewing your old posts to reference).
I have yet to post something without receiving some great advice. A lot of people really lean on WMT for anything and everything involved (the term codependency comes to mind).
I like that you already made labels. Kinda gives you incentive to see it through. Something I have yet to do in spite of constantly hearing friends suggesting I make them over the years.
Don't bottle in six weeks. Make it six months or even 12 if you can stand it. And if you're itching to make more wine while your first batch is aging, I'll quote John D

Yes, that's exactly what you should do, top up with a similar wine, keep your head space as small as possible.

Then, buy more carboys, make more wine, overwhelm yourself to the point where your wine ages just because you don't have time to bottle. I have a MM Meglioli Amarones that I started in '15, been through a 6 month barrel ride, back in carboy, ready to bottle for 6 months, haven't tasted it in a year. Procrastinators, this is your hobby......
And you'll be drinking much more than just Cab Sauv in no time. Because you already like many other varietals, you just don't know it yet. And if you end up drinking the kool-aid, then you'll read your first post here (while under a different username) while shaking your head.
If your a Browns fan then you should be definitely be open to suggestions. Welcome and Good luck
If you're looking for suggestions or tips getting started I would highly recommend to "Turn The Page" on that 3 gallon kit and do a 6 gallon.

I see what you did there :h . Correct me if I'm wrong but 3 gallons should result in approximately 15 bottles of wine, right? If so, I guess 30 would be better than 15. My thought, or fear, was that I would screw up on the first go but I guess I don't have to limit myself right off the bat. I will definitely keep a log, I got that tip from a YouTube video and makes perfect sense, especially to keep track of what's good and what's not - and how they were made.

And you'll be drinking much more than just Cab Sauv in no time. Because you already like many other varietals, you just don't know it yet. And if you end up drinking the kool-aid, then you'll read your first post here (while under a different username) while shaking your head.

It's not that I don't like them, I just don't prefer them. Of course I haven't tried everything but I've had my fair share of wine over the past decade or so and nothing beats a cab sauv for me. I am open to trying other wines I just don't know how much effort I would end up putting into making them unless I found it to taste better. What do you mean about a different username, do you mean I'd be changing it after I find a new favorite wine?? And yes, I'm a Browns fan...not sure what gave that away since I live in Cincinnati but I am always open to suggestions. Trust me, the Browns would be a very different team if I were in charge but I think they're headed in the right direction.
Welcome to the forum!

I appreciate the extra effort put forth to introduce yourself. :try
You won't screw it up. Especially if you let it age longer. Don't get too hung up on the details. The old timers I learned from would add their yeast wait for it to stop bubbling, dump it through a cheeseclothed funnel into the glass. Rack it once or twice over the next year and have them selves half decent wine. No Sanitizing no measuring.
Try a Sangiovese or a Tuscan. (I personally love tuscan. I'd compare it to a Cab Sauv that went through puberty and became a man.
Try a Sangiovese or a Tuscan. (I personally love tuscan. I'd compare it to a Cab Sauv that went through puberty and became a man.

I'm planning on going to the local brew supplies store this weekend so might be on my way within the next week. As long as it's dry and bold like a cab, I'm in! :b
Have fun man. Just to be clear I meant to try out those wines with a bottle to drink and see if you liked them.
I agree with the Cab Sauv kit. Make what u know. Or not. Either way it's all fun.
Absolutely, I knew what you meant. I've tried a Sangiovese blend but I can't remember what it was. Indeed, if wine making is half as fun as drinking it, I'm going to enjoy myself.