HELP! Moldy filter

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Mar 1, 2009
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I went to pull out an enolmatic filter stored in open plastic in the box today and it was covered in mold. I had only used this one once and I thought it was dry when I put it away. My second one I made a cylinder to keep it in with sanitizing solution but had not done it for this one yet. I gave it one soaking in PBW for a few hours and now soaking in Oxy-clean. I have not run anything through the filter yet as I wanted to try and kill as much as possible first.

Am I doomed and need to trash it or is there hope? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I'd throw it away. Mold spores can survive a LOT of things, and it loves fermented goodies, even wine. I would not risk my batches to that filter.
Not sure myself on this man. It will be way too late to do anything if that happens and the wine could get ruined. Risky possibly.
i am in the process of looking to buy one of these filters.....isnt the enolmatic a reusable filter? whats the material you have on your filter that has the mold?
Father Al, I have sinned. The filter must not have been 100% totally dry when i put it away. Being in an open plastic bag in a box, proved to be a breeding ground for mold. I would have been better off just hanging it on a hook on the peg board. I had only used this one once. The other one I keep in a pvc capsule filled with a k-meta/citric acid blend. In the future they will all be stored this way. It is like a paper cartridge surrounded by a plastic shroud. It should last a very long time if you don't screw up!
I will have to chalk this up as a lesson learned and hope others learn from it also.
thanks....i was wondering if the whole *reusable* filter was all plastic( as one online description stated) or not...sorry about your loss...say three hail mary's
Thanks Al and i still highly recommend it! I didtoss it. One filter is still cheaper than one batch of wine. It was my .50 micron and won't need another that size until I filter my late harvest wine after Christmas.
I have read where others were sticking their "used" filters in a bag and then tossing them into the freezer just to keep mold from happening.

Unless you are lucky and live in the desert southwest (
) mold will probably be a potential problem without lots of air circulation.
Mike thats something I never heard of. Sure would be easy enough. Preque Isle Wine Cellars are the ones tht suggested keeping them in a sanitizing solution. I know a few other wineries arounfd here also do the same thing. By the way Welcome back!
Ha! I am only "sorta" back........

The pilot landed too hard and bent the rim on our 9 seater turbo prop that was supposed to bring us back on Saturday. We got "stuck" in the Bahamas for another day (most of it spent at a crappy airport hoping they could get us out somehow). We were lucky and were able to go back to the resort were we stayed. There are zero (0) other places that are habitable by US standards on that side of the island.

We were able to fly out this AM but we missed our connecting flight on Southwest today and they had no open seats until Tuesday so we are stuck in sunny and warm Ft. Lauderdale for a couple of extra days.

Not sure who will protect America until I return on Wednesday but fear not Father Al. I replaced all batteries before I left so I think North America will be safe until then!

We had a nice dinner at Shula's (as in Don) at the Beach tonight. We were able to snag a car for cheap. My SWMBO is the internet queen of travel deals (especially cars) so we will head out and do some sightseeing tomorrow and enjoy and other day or two of sun and fun.

Our airline is picking up quite a bit of our tab so we should only be out a couple more days of vacation for the most part.