Help.. To much yeast Nutrient...

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Apr 5, 2011
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Wow did I screw Up. I just started a new batch of Rasberry Wine from berries I froze from last summer... I usually am pretty good at ingredients but this time I added 4 tablespoons of Yeast energizer to my 4 gallon batch instead of 4 teaspoons! What a dumb mistake..... Well my question is what can I expect...... Have I ruined the batch? Recipe is:

16 Lbs. Raspberries
Sugar to 1.090 SG
4 tsp. Yeast Nutrient (This is what I used 4 tablespoons of instead of teaspoons)
3 tsp. acid blend
2 tsp. peptic enzyme
4 camden tabs

I will be using Lavlin 71B1122

Any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I think it will be alright. Id be aware that this batch will probably ferment like mad though so you better have it in a good size vessel or keep it on the cooler side. I surely wouldnt dump it thats for sure. Id also like to know what size batch you are making, is this a 3 gallon batch that your making extra for topping off reasons? When making fruit wine you should always make approx 1/2 gallon more then what you want so that when you rack a few times you have some for topping up. 8 lbs of fruit per gallon is what is recommended just so you know.
Thanks for the info.... I feel better now.... this is a 3 gal batch with a little over a half gallon for backup..... ( called it 4 gallon to simplify :) I'll put it in a large 8 gallon crock I have for the primary fermentation.... can make it pretty well airtight (used it in the past). I was just concerned with any off flavors that may arise from the large amount of nutrient used... or any other negative effects on it. A big relief not to toss it, just finished off my first batch of raspberry wine and am looking forward to this one. Again thanks for your quick response, I've put this site on my desktop!!!
Hi jonrho64! Welcome to the forum. How's everything in Roundtown? You should be making pumpkin wine. I'm originally from Lancaster. You should really like it here. Lots of good information.
Thanks Mike... I might try that pumkin yet! everything good here.... Waiting for the third Wednesday in October! And I think I will like this site, never been on one before but I've found alot of good info!
Well the Rasberry sure went through primary fermentation awful fast.... after 5 days the SG was down to 1.002.... Started at 1.090..... racked to secondary and seemed to have a real yeasty smell... but secondary on second day now and it seems to be going OK. Just a little worried about not getting it racked until SG was a 1.002, instructions recipie said to start secondary at 1.040.... Any thoughts??????

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