High alcohol management - help!

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Jan 29, 2015
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Hi hi - I've got a red zin from CA that is in bulk agent from a 2014 crush. The alcohol is much too high (~17%) due to a late crush this year with very ripe grapes. I removed all raisined clusters and decided to move forward with the must as is, rather than water down to control the alcohol. At this point, I have put it through ML, and am ready to oak, however, I am thinking I need to back-blend with a lower alcohol wine to get this to a drinkable range. I have a total of 70 gal of this and want to salvage what I can. Any suggestions on how to best manage this??
I don't have access to a Pearson's Square right now, but you'll need to pick a target finished ABV, and work a bit backwards to see how much volume you'll need of an 11-12% ABV wine, to get the alcohol lowered to where you want it.

Worst case scenario, you can order some frozen must pails to ferment and blend them into the wine you already have.

Slightly better case scenario, Chilean grapes are around the corner, so you could go that route.

Little better, wait until fall and make another batch using the same source, only keeping in mind that you'll blend the two years together, and bulk age them for several years afterward..

I wouldn't stoop any lower than the worst case scenario myself, we're I you, so I won't recommend anything else that may come to mind
Do you still have the grape skins ?

You could always make a 2nd pressing either now or down the road and calculate how much sugar to adjust to bring your high alcohol down, and add it to it.
In this case you will not affect the ph by adding just water and diluting it entirely.
Hi hi - I've got a red zin from CA that is in bulk agent from a 2014 crush. The alcohol is much too high (~17%) due to a late crush this year with very ripe grapes. I removed all raisined clusters and decided to move forward with the must as is, rather than water down to control the alcohol. At this point, I have put it through ML, and am ready to oak, however, I am thinking I need to back-blend with a lower alcohol wine to get this to a drinkable range. I have a total of 70 gal of this and want to salvage what I can. Any suggestions on how to best manage this??

I had a similar thing happen with my 30g of Zin, except it got stuck. I watered it down and successfully restarted it. Lowered the alcohol, but diluted the wine. Tastes acceptable to me. I would do some bench trials of watering it down / blending, see if you can get an agreeable taste.
I would have watered back on day one. Now, I'd see how it tastes watered back, but blending is your best bet. Or a combination blend and water. Maybe down to 15.5%? Can you find someone who will trade some low alc wine for some high alc Zin?

Thanks for the input. issue was, the brix shot up 24 hrs into fermentation and I didn't act on it...sounds like I should have adjusted at fermentation. I'm not sure the port option is for me, and I don't have any skins left to work with...thinking I will try acidulated water bench trials to balance. Prior to making the adjustment to the full batch, I'll see if I can find some lower alcohol wine to blend, as I would prefer that option. Good way to spend Super Bowl Sunday.
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Thanks for the input. issue was, the brix shot up 24 hrs into fermentation

Did you adjust the Brix for fermentation (alcohol)? How much did it "shoot up"?

Did you use a hydrometer to measure SG? How dues it taste?

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