Honey bees on 60 Minutes tonight

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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Thought you might be interested....they will be talking about colony collapse disorder.
With the continued abuse of our country with chemicals & pesticide contamination there is no reason why the death of bee colonies will be halted. Mites and other diseases is another contribuating factor. We have lost 50% of the bee population in the last 25 years. Besides apples, many fruits are pollinated by bees. I certinally hope they find a answer be for its too late. Tomy
My dad is a beekeeper and the goverment in W.Va. is contributing to the cost of buying bees to start new colonies. I think he said they will pay half to get more hives going.

So do you get fresh honey from him, Funny Ive never seen a recipe for meads from you!
3pounds of bees is about the same price as a good wine kit. $90 plus shipping with your choice of type of queen bee. With a honey bee weighing 1/10 gram thats a lot of bees. Tomy
I actually haven't had much of his honey. He sent some to me before WS,took it there and gave half to Waldo and half to smurfe. Then at Christmas when I saw my dad he brought me about 18lbs so I have 6 gallons o Ancient Orange going.


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