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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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Just bought this kit from George as I havent had the time to play with an all grain and my back hasnt been very good these last 2 weeks but my corny is getting thirsty. In fact today a buddy of my best friend has hooked me up 2 more corny kegs.
I cant fit both of these in my fridge as I alreadu have 2 in there but im pretty sure I can fit a 5th and once it gets colder outside I can keg and carb the 6th cause another one of the kegs is almost emty also and thats the sparkling crab apple of which I havee another batch already to go in as do I have Raspberry wine ready to sparkle also.
I made last year's hopnog kit. I remember liking it, though I forget which hops were included in that one. I recently won a couple golds in a homebrew comp and one of the prizes was the same kit. It's the 2008 version though, which makes me a bit skeptical as to how it will taste with that kind of age on the LME. It also uses cluster hops for the flavor and aroma additions which is unusual for an American IPA as well.

Let us know how the kit comes out!

Oh, and if you don't feel that you can store all those cornys, I'd be glad to take a few off your hands.
I have one extra corny which wont fit in the fridge I believe Which I will probably use to carb naturally instead of forced to see how that works and possibly save me some gas.

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