Harry, I agree. No more dripping bottles or pulling out the heat gun and fighting the cord. All of my bottles have always had capsules on them as I think it just makes for a professional presentation. Also with my wine cellar filled up, i am always rearranging bottles to fit more in and with the capsules it makes it so much easier to identify quickly and orderly.
Somehow it looks much more "professional" to be able to draw the cork from an labeled and capsuled bottle of wine rather than farting some wine into a visitors glass from the box in the fridge. "Ah yes," you say, "this was made from the fine blackberry harvest of 2007 and has been maturing in the cellar for over 2 years". You dust some cobwebs off the label and exclaim with mock surprise that you thought you'd drunk the last of the first bottling some time ago.
Give them enough psychology like that and they'll drink carpet cleaner if you fancy serving it. Ask the Scotch whiskey industry, they've been doing it for years!