How big is too big for a primary?

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Oct 1, 2023
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New Jersey
Hello All,

After making my first fruit wine last year (fig) this year I will be trying grapes as well, red and white. I was gifted some equipment for it, including two 20-25 gallon (not exactly sure, they're just big to me) plastic barrels for primary fermentation. I only plan on making 5 gallons of red and white each. Would these barrels be too big to start primary fermentation in?
I agree with Richard. Within practical limitation (e.g., 1 gallon in a 50 gallon bucket), you're FAR better off with too big than too small.

If you're planning on 5 gallons of wine, assumedly to go into a 19 liter carboy, you will be starting with a much larger volume. A 20 gallon primary is just fine.

For 5 gallons of finished wine, you're best off starting with 6 gallons of wine after pressing. You'll lose volume to sediment and at each racking, so you need more initial volume. Make sure you have sufficient smaller containers to hold excess wine until you need it.