How cool is George?

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Senior Member
Feb 15, 2008
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I just wanted to tell everyone just how cool George is. I had a scary thing happen to me last week. I opened my credit card bill and found that it was $1000 over the credit line, which was funny because I had only charged about $200 worth of stuff on it. I called the credit card company and they informed me that they had been trying to contact me for several days because I was on a Fraud Alert. Apparently somebody got a hold of my card # and went on a shopping spree (everything from newspapers to a new computer system). What triggered the card company to put it on alert was that I had charged $25 for gas one day in Minnesota and then apparently tried to buy fast food at a McDonalds about 1500 miles away a mere 30 minutes later. I reviewed the bill one item at a time with the credit card company and fortunately they scratched all of the fraudulent charges and I don’t have to pay them. I contacted each of the merchants that I had used this card with in January, let them know about my situation, and asked if their security was up to date. One of these merchants was Fine Vine Wines. George is the only one that contacted me back. He was genuinely concerned about his customer’s information and informed me that over the weekend he would add another layer of security. He did all of this for little old me. Now THAT’S customer service.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Great story and thanks for sharing......I am not surprised at all since customer service has ALWAYS been what separates FVWfrom the others!
BOY I'll agree! George's customer service is what makes the difference for me.

WAAAAaaaayyy to go, George!
Very true. He will fix whatever problems you have. I do business with George just because of that.
Even though George is half a continent away, I do business with George not only because of the way he handles problems, but because when I deal with George I just don't have very many problems.
Had that happen to me. I bought gas one Sunday morning in Memphis, and 3 hours later someone in Mexico tried to use the card. We figured it got cloned by someone at the Mexican resturaunt we had dinner at Friday night. They never got anything, and the card people called and I cancelled the card.
I also had to cancel a Visa card oncea few years back due to a stolen number but didn't cost me anything other than some time filling out a form and waiting for a new cards to arrive in the mail. Today it would be a bit more of a hassle since we use our cards for 98% of all life purchases.

I am very proactive in catching this type of problem early by checking my Visa card activity online almost on a daily basis.
I bit the bullet and signed up for LifeLock fraud security just yesterday. Hope it works. It's $10 a month but they put a $1,000,000 guarantee that nobody will steal your credit card numbers or apply for credit in your name. Only time will tell if it works I guess, but if I do nothing I'm definitely still vulnerable.