How does the weather perssure affect wine

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May 4, 2010
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Being that I have this lovely house guest arriving sometime in the middle of the night (Earl that is). How does the low pressure affect the wine making, does it help degass or does it cause it to maintain more C02. I don't think it is going to affect it that much but I was just wondering if it had any affect at all.
This is just a WAG, but I'd say the low pressure would probably allow the CO2 to escape more easily.
I put vodka in my airlocks and i rarely use k-meta. Fortunatly I dont have anything that is still fermenting. Everything is in the clearing mode right now. I will be picking up another carboy or two first of the week. So that means I need something to fill them, lol.
5 gallons of apple
3 gallons of blueberry
and then as soon as one of the 5 or 6 gallons is clear enough to bottle it will be time for some SP.

Ok nuff rambling.
Hurricane=Low Pressure which translates to the wine expanding in the carboy. If anything, it will push the wine up into the airlock. Monitor it and if it goes into the airlock, take it out, remove the wine from the airlock, refill and replace and all will be well.
That I will be keeping a check on for sure.

If you see the wine rising towards the airlock, remove airlock and start :dg until you remove enough wine to prevent airlock cointamination.

Seriously though. Be careful down there, I hope you don't get hit too bad. My ex-brother in law lives down in Beaufort NC. I know Cherry Point MCAS is, and has been on a level 3 weather alert. Hope you fair the storm well. We'll be thinking about you.

Be safe.
I dont think it is going to hit us that hard, that is far as the winds go, I am more worried about the creek flooding from the river water rising. As long as we dont get anything over a 2 foot storm surge up this far we should be good. If its over 2 foot I wont be able to get out the driveway until it subsides.
So with earl going on not much else to do so I figured I would sit around and watch the wines clear, want to talk about a slow process, LOL. I did however mix up some syrup to backsweeten my strawberry breeze. Then decided not to do it yet, maybe over the weekend I just racked for the first time after being done. It is already clear except the bottom 1 inch or so, I cocked the carboy up on the side to let the lees fall all to one side so I could rack over the weekend and backsweeten.
So enough bout that, none of the carboys seem to be swelling yet so I had to open another bottle for now.
Weatherman just said Earl is suppose to be heading back out to sea. We need the rain but not a massive rain. Whatever happened to the slow rains that lasted all night? Haven't had one of those for a long long time.
Whatever happened to the slow rains that lasted all night? Haven't had one of those for a long long time.

Come on out to seattle... It starts about november... End mid-march/april, if you're lucky...


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