I dont think it is going to hit us that hard, that is far as the winds go, I am more worried about the creek flooding from the river water rising. As long as we dont get anything over a 2 foot storm surge up this far we should be good. If its over 2 foot I wont be able to get out the driveway until it subsides.
So with earl going on not much else to do so I figured I would sit around and watch the wines clear, want to talk about a slow process, LOL. I did however mix up some syrup to backsweeten my strawberry breeze. Then decided not to do it yet, maybe over the weekend I just racked for the first time after being done. It is already clear except the bottom 1 inch or so, I cocked the carboy up on the side to let the lees fall all to one side so I could rack over the weekend and backsweeten.
So enough bout that, none of the carboys seem to be swelling yet so I had to open another bottle for now.