WineXpert How old is this Chamlaise?

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Jun 19, 2007
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I picked this up from my homebrew, knowing it has been around for a while. He gave me a great deal to get it out of his store but going to the Winexpert it is no longer being made. Soooo how old is this dog?

Also, anyone know what is in this kit?
This is a Wine Expert kit? Look for a white sticker with a bunch of numbers on it. I copied a post of Masta's to deciper since it was easier than typing it all out. If the is a WE kit this can tell you how old it is.

Winexpert warranties their kits for one year from date of manufacture and kits will last up to 18-24 months if stored properly. Winexpert Date Code: It will read something like this: 04 320 07 123

04 = 4th kit run of the production day

320 = 320th day of the calendar year, in this case that's um, October 15th-ish.

07 = 2007

123 = number of kit position in the run, i.e., 123rd out of about 600.

RJ Spagnols Date Code: They use the yyyymmdd format: 20070412 is April 12 2007
I knew it was something like that. What really has me worried is this box doesn't have the numbers spread out like that, and if I try to decipher it using their sequence this box is from either 2004 or 2001....yikes!!