How old is your wine?

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
DC Suburbs
Just wondering what people use as a "born on" date for their wines. When I say I've had something bulk aging for "X" months, or a wine is "X" months old, I usually start the clock on the day I transfer out of secondary. I think others use the day they start the batch and pitch the yeast.

What do you use? Is there a norm?
Good question! I always used the day I pitched the yeast.
when I pitch the yeast because thats the point where it comes ALIVE!
I keep a detailed wine journal with my batch start date. That's what I use.
But I only go by month. I don't worry about the days.
I've always used the day I pitched the yeast.
I always use the date that I pitched the yeast. So far I have not gone the route of the low temperature/long fermentation, so the differences between pitch date and rack to secondary is roughly a week or two, not really a big difference.
In the past, I have used bottling date. Now I usually use either the pitching date or date of first rack. My wines tend to sit in the carboy for several months. That kinda screws with the bottling date so I have been trying to date it about the time of fermenting or racking. Arne.

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