I finally got a corker

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Dec 9, 2009
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Western New York
When I retired the end of May the guys at work gave me a gift certificate to my local wine and beer supply making store. So seeing as it was a lazy rainy day today I took a ride over there and bought this corker. It stands 45 1/2 inches from the floor to the top of the handle.


Corker WF 6 22 11 (2).jpg
It will serve you well for years to come. I got by with my double handled hand corker, but it sure was sweet when I finally got my own floor corker.
I got that same type/style corker back in 1995. It is still in use today (after thousands and thousands of corks).

It very well may be the last corker you will ever own.
Congrats on the new pruchase. I've yet to get one but I keep thinking about it. One of these days before the next bottling hopefully . Until then, I'm still using my double corker.
I bought the Italian floor corker a couple of months ago. I still have the double handled corker---new and unused.
One cork and you are going to kick yourself for waiting so long!!!!!
Good one, Larry - that's the kind I have and love it. Unfortunately these type of Portuguese corkers seem to be no longer available here - only the red ones in the stores now and they aren't nearly as good in my opinion. You'll get years of use out of this one.
Keep the brass jaws clean and it will last a long time. Mine meakes a dimple in the synthetic corls but no problem. It is kind of a cross between the Portugese and Italian corkers.
Note: that style of corker (I believe) can be taken apart, sanded / re-finished, then put back together again. I have done this to mine a couple of times over the years.
Good one, Larry - that's the kind I have and love it. Unfortunately these type of Portuguese corkers seem to be no longer available here - only the red ones in the stores now and they aren't nearly as good in my opinion. You'll get years of use out of this one.

They had a red floor corker that was somewhat smaller than this one for the same price. It didn't look as substantial so I picked this.
That is sweet! I'll be glad when I'm turning out enough good wine to justify bigger and better equipment... and more space to use it. Congrats!
Like John, I've had to take mine apart and sand it ( under the jaws); now I put my corks in dry so that this area does not get wet and rust again - sulphites are deadly on it!! You may want to consider making a corkidor for your corks and install dry as well.
As there were no instructions that came with the corker they must be somewhat "idiotproof" ?
The smaller one is most likely the benchtop model and although its still a nice product this one will work better.
Wade I think they are talking about both of them being Port floor corkers. One is more of a maroon color and takes on the look of an italian floor corker. I have seen them and it confused the hell out of me. I think they are rare to get.
This style accomodates different height bottles of the standard 750 ml. The 375's work OK also, but hold them in while you push the handle down as the spring is just a bit short, but the cork goes in all the way. I have also put a hockey puck under them and that works well. That is about all the instructions you need. I consider it one of my best wine making equipment buys ever.
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