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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
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I am completely hooked on wine making....

At first I thought it was a neat thing... thought I would do 18 - 24 gallons a year with Juice/Must.... looked down my nose at you kit users...

Now I can handle 36 - 48 gallons a year of Juice/Must but it isn't enough.... bought a kit because I NEED to have something fermenting... that isn't enough though..... I am going to try Skeeter Pee or a fruit wine soon..... already have my hard cider recipes set up for when the apples come in...... This is getting worse and more expensive:mny:mny.. hoping to get a corker soon..

Forgot to meniton that I check this website about twice an hour to see if anything new has been posted..
My name is Darren, and I'm a winemakeraholic.

Just so you know, it'll only consume most of your thought processes. But don't deny yourself the toys you want...get that floor corker..... buy more carboys...

It's a fun obsession.

Your are OBSESSED!

Welcome to the obsession. Since you are in the middle of fruit season start looking into that.
Holy Cow Dufresne11 that is bad! LOL, actually most of us do the same. I'm cleaning the house today and everytime I finish dusting one thing, I check to see what is posted. And yes the more you ferment the more you want to ferment. I am planning on the wines that I want to ferment this fall from juice buckets and I don't think I have enough carboys but I don't have enough room for more carboys but I'm looking for more anyway. I figured I will find the room somewhere. I'm thinking my husband is going to have to play his x-box around the carboys.
When civilization comes crashing down around us, people will look at you and say, "Man, was he thinking ahead!"
If I'm not on the PC (desktop) I'm checking via iPhone. My wife makes fun of me. I started with two 6 gallon juice buckets and now I have @ 120 gallons a year.

I love this new found hobby. My home smells of yeast frequently. I have soooo much I don't have time to label.

I completely understand and you are in good hands here. Welcome Western Mass.
I ran out last winter and bought 2 kits also. Then started making mead. You can always get honeynow I have more than I know what to do with. More carboys are in the future because bottling should not be detemaned by carboys needed. Welcome to the club. we all feel your pain(in an southern accent)

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