No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
I've had a busy couple weeks in the wine lab. Several new batches were started, I've prepped my new Vadai and will be putting my first wine into it tomorrow. I also have three kits that were started in July and early August that are about ready. One was bottled this morning (Red Mountain Trio), and two others were taste tested (there's something seriously wrong with you when you are sampling wine at 5am). I just finished doing a more formal tasting with the Red Mountain Trio, a Vino Italiano Cab that I started in April and bottled several months back, and a commercial Syrah (J. Lohr Paso Robles). I'm happy to report that the RMT is a definite winner. Really, really good wine at only five months. The cab isn't bad at all for two bucks a bottle. And the J Lohr I think is comparable to my CC Sterling Syrah that was sampled this morning. I added some Tancor Grand Cru to that Syrah, so I suspect it will surpass it's commercial counterpart soon.
Thanks to all of you on this site that have answered questions, provided encouragement, or simply kept the site going. I've wanted to try winemaking for years and I think I'm light years ahead of where I would have been had I not found this place.
Thanks to all of you on this site that have answered questions, provided encouragement, or simply kept the site going. I've wanted to try winemaking for years and I think I'm light years ahead of where I would have been had I not found this place.