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The Ferminator
Sep 2, 2013
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Yes, I'm addicted to Pinterest. I feel only slightly ashamed to admit that.

I am nowhere near experienced enough to start oaking my wine, nor do I know anything about who to buy from etc.

I thought I would share this with you guys on the off chance that this is a good deal.
If not, carry on!

Oak Barrels
I'd like to hear the 'experts' weigh in on this also. I know nothing about them but these might not be a bad deal if they are approved for aging. I'd be interested in one if they are.

I'll go to school on you Jeri. :)
Prices seem reasonable. I personally do not own any barrels yet so someone with more experience with them may have more advice
From what I read on their web site, they recommend " add your favorite spirit or begin your vinegar or cider creation.", no mention of wine, not that you couldn't age wine in their barrels, they are selling American oak, I prefer Hungarian oak, or if I'm feeling rich, French oak barrels.
I don't thing that you need too much experience to start oaking your wine, you just have to know how much oak you prefer, if any.
Oak barrels provide an interesting flavour addition to the wine. For small quantities of wine, up to 100 litres, I think you would be better served to add oak chips. The barrels have to be regulated as the flavour addition varies (reduces) with each batch you make. It is not a case of put it in the barrel and forget it. This requires the barrel to be shaved and toasted after several years of use. (Although it could be reassigned to making port)
As for chips, buy some and add to specification. I think you could enjoy the result.
The variety of chip you use is for personal preference. I prefer the vanilla notes provided from American Oak, but that is just me.
Ah, I was looking at that site a bit before Christmas. Thinking about a 1-2 Litre barrel for vanilla and port.

Pumpkinman - they do mention only vinegars/ciders/spirits on one section, then wine in another. Don't know what the difference is supposed to be - toasting maybe?
I must have missed that, thanks!!
For small quantities of wine, up to 100 litres, I think you would be better served to add oak chips.
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you, oak chips give you the least amount of control over the oak imparted as they release all of the "oak" very fast. I have 4 barrels currently and the standard batch that I make has been 6 gallons, with the exception of the 10 & 12 gallon batches of Sangiovese and Cab from fresh grapes, all of my reds see time in barrels, when the barrels stop imparting oak, I'll still use them for the micro oxidation and I'll add oak infusion spirals, beans/cubes or staves for the oak.