Introduced Air When Bottling?

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Feb 12, 2014
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I bottled my first batch of wine this morning. Just a gallon of Welches grape juice wine.
I filled the bottles using an autosiphon & a bottling wand.
While filling I got some air mixed with the wine, mainly due to my incompatance with the autosiphon.
There is a very tiny bit of foam on top of the wine.
I just used screwtop bottles , no corks.
I have the lids on loose, thinking I need to let some air escape before I twist them tight.
Am I OK or should I tighten them up ASAP ?
While the loose caps may be allowing air to escape, they are just as likely to be allowing air to enter. How well degassed was the wine? Did you sweeten the wine? If so, did you add sorbate?

Regardless, I would tighten the tops.

I didn't sweeten it.
I racked it twice.
The last time was Feb. 2nd
Looking at my directions it says, I should have stabilized at 30 days.
I didn't do that. (or if I did I don't remember, and didn't write it down.)
The wine doesn't taste fizzy, so I'm assuming it's degassed.
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I didn't sweeten it.
I racked it twice.
The last time was Feb. 2nd
Looking at my directions it says, I should have stabilized at 30 days.
I didn't do that. (or if I did I don't remember, and didn't write it down.)
The wine doesn't taste fizzy, so I'm assuming it's degassed.
Definitely tighten the tops.
I am pretty happy with how this turned out.
At a New Years Eve party some guy had a bottle of wine he made.
I tasted it and it wasn't very good. I asked how he made it and he told me, he pitched wine yeast into a gallon of Welches let it ferment for two weeks, put his hand on the top of the jug and shook it to "get the bubbles out" and then poured into empty bottles.
I knew I could do better with a bit of research and patience, and I think I succeeded.

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