**Update on CRP**
I started this kit on 10/5, and after reading the discusions on a stuck Ferm. I decided to follow Wades recomendations and then later on Tims...
3 days after pitching yeast I started the chaptalisation step. I broke it down into 3 days, adding 1/3 each day, and stiring lightly after each addition. The temp was around 71-74 degrees
On 10/16 the SG was down to about 1.019, I took Tim's recomendation, heated it up to 75 degrees, stired it up, and transfered in to the secondary....Since it was all stired up, everything (except most of the oak) went into the secondary.....
Its been steadity bubbling for about 5 days now,
On 10/21 the SG was down to 1.013......So in the next week or so, I'm guessing it will ferment down the 1.010 or so....
I thought a few people considering this kit would like to hear this, and thanks for the good advise, Wade and Tim!!!