If a filter was $12.99 I would not trust it to be an absolute filter
Morewine sells “absolute” filters that filters out 99.8%. They have them in 1 and 3 micron for much cheaper “$12.99”. The 1 micron (and probably 3 micron) absolute should take out yeast cells. Yeast cells are generally 5-7 micron in size. The 0.45 micron are made to remove yeast and most bacteria and considered sterile. However the larger size should take out the yeast. Now, I haven’t tried it but I was looking for a new filter set up. morewine calls them “absolute “ but I’m not sure is 99.8% is considered “absolute” or not.
* 99.8% is not absolute if you have a 10,000 gallon tank you are filtering into, the bigger the volume the bigger the risk
* filter efficiency/ tightness improves as the filter gets dirty (flux rate decreases).
* killing cells is a numbers game, each barrier takes some out so if one combines pH 3 with 13% alcohol, and removing nitrogen (cell material) and filtration (most live cells) and a free SO
2 treatment and carbonation you could accomplish a condition where it is stable to refermentation. As a test I dropped a cider carboy to pH 2.8 after primary last year and it appears stable
* some yeast are more sensitive to free SO
2 , ,,, switch to a weaker yeast. some yeast are more sensitive to alcohol, use a beer yeast
* a cider (home) pasturizer will run 45 minutes 60C, a beer pasteurizer will do 30 seconds 85C , and if you had live steam milk pasteurizers are half a second 105C
! opinion it is worth filtering with a cheap filter to remove nitrogen sources and adding other barriers as at least 50ppm free SO
2, ,,,, most of the time it will work, ,,, you are not doing 10,000 gallon batches