Is this enough solvent for a test?

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Still lost.....
Sep 25, 2012
Reaction score
Just came back from vacation and need to check MLF today as I don't want to order and then wait for solvent to arrive.
Last test, solvent came just about 1/2 inch high in the test jug and I know I lost a bit when poured back into original container.
I think this remainder may not make it to 1/2 inch at all, probably about 1/4 of an inch or a bit higher.

Would that be ok?

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I just don't want to pour the solvent into the testing jug to then find out I'm short.
Whats wrong with that? As long as the paper isn't in the jug then if its not enough you just leave it in the jug, cap it and order more. Looks like plenty to me. You only need enough to wet the end of the paper ~1/4" or so and then the solvent will do all the rest. I make my line at 1" height horizontal.
what I was afraid of is that the solvent (after pouring in the test jug) would not be high enough to 1/2 inch as stated in the instructions, but you're saying the solvent just needs to wet the end of the paper, so 1/4 inch should do the job.

I will start the test now...
Unless your jug/chamber is drastically different than mine (Morewine) That should be plenty.

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Late to the party, but that should be enough. FWIW, I don't empty the jug once the solvent is in there. More trouble than its worth for this lazy SOB. :)
Late to the party, but that should be enough. FWIW, I don't empty the jug once the solvent is in there. More trouble than its worth for this lazy SOB. :)

so you don't put the solvent back to its original container?