Other Island Mist Cranberry

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Dec 13, 2008
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My equipment and kit are scheduled to arrive tomorrow! I can hardly stand the wait!

I was reading some older posts and someone mentioned adding honey to increase alcohol content. Can some of you experts elaborate on that. I have a 1/2 gallon jug of fresh honey and wondering if I can use that and how it would affect alcohol content and flavor. I prefer a sweet wine cooler taste, which is why I went with Island Mist.

Thanks for any help!
i just put this kit into the secondary using a recipe george posted (http://www.finevinewines.com/November_2008.htm) which sound like what you want to do. i sweetened with half the fpack and i must say it tasted good. my previous attempt with a blackberry didn't last long:) i'm going to let this one go for about 30 days rack go 30 more than put in the corny to carbonate. keep us posted on how yours is going
upnorth, if you like the wine coolers and Sierra Mist type wines I would not add anything. The IM kits are designed to duplicate the Sierra Mist type wines.
I bottled up my first wine kit a couple weeks ago. My first taste of this wine kit was fabulous! I love it! I just ordered a pomegrante wildberry kit, I think Island Mist. I think I am officially an addict to my new hobby. While I am waiting for the new kit, I decided to experiment with the 1 gallon pomegrante recipe from this website under recipes. I used 5 pomegrantes, 1 pint blueberry and 1 pint blackberry. Other than that, followed the recipe exactly. I thought it would be fun to do a little experimenting with a small amount to break me in for this summer when I tend to go hog wild with my raspberries, strawberries, plums, and concord grapes. :)
I think you have come down with addiction too...
...Have fun and enjoy...There is no end to the wines you can make....
I agree with Peter,
These kits are designed and ballenced for as is. That is why they are low alcohol. If you want to boost the alcohol that would put their recipe (wine) out of balance. and make the wine taste funny.
Just my 2¢ worth