Italian Must for a Super Tuscan

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Senior Member
Jan 9, 2013
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Decided to leave the Chilean harvest alone this year since it has been too many years in a row of disapointment.... Instead I purchased 2 Five Gallon buckets of Frozen must from Vino. A Merlot and a Sangioveese. Both from Tuscany and going to make a Super Tuscan wine. I got the buckets in on Friday and started to thaw them. Tasting the grapes from each bucket I am already impressed with the taste of each. I combined in a 20 gallon Brute yesterday and mixed the must. I am doing a single combined ferment using BM4X4 yeast.....
Sounds like you are going to have a great wine there, Sdelli. I like to blend Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot in my Super Tuscans and I was going to do that two years ago. When I got home from the merchant, I discovered that he did not give me a Merlot but gave me two Sangiovese instead. I went ahead and made the wine (co-fermenting the three buckets in my 20 gallon Brute) and it turned out great.
Hmmm.... You just gave me an idea. May need to blend in a little of my Cab as well from the 2014 crush at bottle time! Thanks....

how much are those frozen crushed grapes per bucket?
Started the fermentation tonight.
ReHydrated with GoFerm and BM4X4
No... I did not. Take a chance and see how it settles. I was afraid the ph might drop....
Been 5 days now of fermentation. Hoping to press on Sunday. Been keeping the fermentation temp at around 68 degrees so it does not run away. The juice is at 10 Brix as of last night and I added the last hit of nutrition.... Last night was a dose of DAP. It got one dose of Go-Ferm, two doses of Fermaid-k and one dose of dap over the last few days.... Gona let it run itself down now for pressing. Smells fantastic and no signs of any problems! It is so much fun when I use high quality fruit....
Pressed the grapes tonight. SG=.994 PH=3.47 TA=9.2
Still do not believe the TA.... See how it comes out of mlf....
Yield about 7 gallons. Smells and taste great!

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