I've officially lost it......

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Senior Member
Feb 15, 2008
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Today I was having a friendly chat with a co-worker and I can't remember how, but the subject was brought up and I mentioned that I make my own wine.

"What can you make it out of?"

"Just about anything."

"No way."

"Well, almost anything."

"You can just walk into a supermarket and pick something at random and make wine out of it?"

"To a degree. As long as it doesn't have certain preservatives in it....yeah."

"Could you make wine out of Kool-Aid?"


"Yeah, right."

"No, really. I could."

The conversation continued, and when it was over, I found that I had been challenged to make wine from Kool-Aid. So I figure, what the heck. Why not. I've never heard of anyone making wine from Kool-Aid, but I stopped by the supermarket after work and read the ingredients. Nothing in there that should hinder fermentation. It will probably be very lacking in body so I picked upa couple bunches ofbananas and a 1.5 lb can of raisins. I'll be using grape flavored kool aid. This will probably be the worst tasting batch of wine I've ever made, but a challenge is a challenge. I'll post pics of my progress once I get started......

Oh, since I'm not very hopeful about my results, I'll just be doing a 1 gallon batch. You never know though, could be great stuff (but I have serious doubts).
Great challange...I would make sure he drinks most of it.

Could be great...Banana/Rasisn/Grape flavored wine.....Oh...the possibilites......?
My bet is that it wont be that bad at all and that with the added body you might even find it palettable.
Funny you mention that, I have really been thinking lately "Why wouldn't Kool Aid make a good flavor additive to a Welches frozen white grape juice concentrate wine"? I don't see why you couldn't.

Same with making wine from it, why couldn't you? I would think you would need some white grape juice or a lot of raisins for adding body to the wine.
You could call it Goofy Grape!
That recipe was obviously written by a beer brewer, not a wine maker. Six days from pitching the yeast to bottling!
I made a batch of wine from a product called "wonder wine"! I'm sure you have heard of it. Anyway, it's ingredients are in the form of a powder like kool aid. It wasn't too bad except that I added too much sugar to start so it was very sweet. I have used it for topping up!!
I have tried koolaid when i was younger,

I just fermented sugar water then added the koolaid after is was so so done.

not to bad, but now that I follow the directions on reall kits,

wasnt too good either,