Junior Member
Ok, thought I would start a new thread with the updates on my first batch as I thought my original thread in the "equipment" area wasn't appropriate for where the conversation could be headed. I'm now at 36 since I introduced my yeast to my wine. To recap, I had a "panic" moment yesterday and thought I had maybe messed things up a little. HOWEVER, by the looks of things in my primary it seems all is going great! Here's what I did:
I started everything Monday 12/7, but didn't add the yeast until yesterday 12/8. Everything is sitting in my 2 gallon bucket, I had originally had the lid and fermentor on it, then read to leave it off so oxygen could get to it. I won't lie, I messed with this pretty badly, fumbling around with it, doing things that were, well, probably what newbies do. So my time is a little off as I originally added the yeast at noon, covered it with the lid and fermentor, left for about 6 hours, saw nothing happening, panic, and messed with it. Basically I added water as I didn't think I had enough liquid for a full 1 gallon and didn't want to not have enough when I went to secondary. Then seeing as I added more water I added more sugar and panic again. I was going for the "super sweet" method and originally had the SG at 1.150 then I messed with things and it went down to 1.130 (don't ask why I just didn't add more sugar, I had a "newbie" moment. After that I just left it and said, "If I screwed it up I'll know in 24-36 hours and I'll just start a new batch" So I stirred it last night before I went to bed and again this morning. There are light bubbles on top but it's definitely not going crazy. Here's a picture of what it looked like this morning:
So after work I went downstairs not expecting much, but to my surprise I lifted the towel and found a nice rich, thick foamy goodness looking back at me! I believe I have success!
The normal temperature downstairs in the bucket was reading around 66* or so, Reading how some yeast needs a bit warmer condition I added one of those microwave bean heating pads and wrapped it around my bucket and recovered with a heavier towel. This must have been what it needed as now the temperature is between 72-75*! I have to keep reheating the pad twice a day but that's not a biggie. Here's a picture of my little heating pad:
So my only REAL question is at what point should I start seeing my SG go down? It's still at 1.130 after 36 hours and since I re-started a little lower than the super sweet method, at what point should I transfer to secondary if I still want a semi-sweet wine? The original instructions say to pull from primary around 1.040-1.050, should I heed the same target or just go to dry and try my hand at back sweetening? Either way I'm just glad to see some good ol' bubbles! When I stirred it, it made that fuzzy sound! Hope that means the yeast is happy!! Thanks everyone for listening to me. So excited in seeing how this turns out. Everyone at my job is super excited too.....they know there will be free taste testing soon!
I started everything Monday 12/7, but didn't add the yeast until yesterday 12/8. Everything is sitting in my 2 gallon bucket, I had originally had the lid and fermentor on it, then read to leave it off so oxygen could get to it. I won't lie, I messed with this pretty badly, fumbling around with it, doing things that were, well, probably what newbies do. So my time is a little off as I originally added the yeast at noon, covered it with the lid and fermentor, left for about 6 hours, saw nothing happening, panic, and messed with it. Basically I added water as I didn't think I had enough liquid for a full 1 gallon and didn't want to not have enough when I went to secondary. Then seeing as I added more water I added more sugar and panic again. I was going for the "super sweet" method and originally had the SG at 1.150 then I messed with things and it went down to 1.130 (don't ask why I just didn't add more sugar, I had a "newbie" moment. After that I just left it and said, "If I screwed it up I'll know in 24-36 hours and I'll just start a new batch" So I stirred it last night before I went to bed and again this morning. There are light bubbles on top but it's definitely not going crazy. Here's a picture of what it looked like this morning:

So after work I went downstairs not expecting much, but to my surprise I lifted the towel and found a nice rich, thick foamy goodness looking back at me! I believe I have success!

The normal temperature downstairs in the bucket was reading around 66* or so, Reading how some yeast needs a bit warmer condition I added one of those microwave bean heating pads and wrapped it around my bucket and recovered with a heavier towel. This must have been what it needed as now the temperature is between 72-75*! I have to keep reheating the pad twice a day but that's not a biggie. Here's a picture of my little heating pad:

So my only REAL question is at what point should I start seeing my SG go down? It's still at 1.130 after 36 hours and since I re-started a little lower than the super sweet method, at what point should I transfer to secondary if I still want a semi-sweet wine? The original instructions say to pull from primary around 1.040-1.050, should I heed the same target or just go to dry and try my hand at back sweetening? Either way I'm just glad to see some good ol' bubbles! When I stirred it, it made that fuzzy sound! Hope that means the yeast is happy!! Thanks everyone for listening to me. So excited in seeing how this turns out. Everyone at my job is super excited too.....they know there will be free taste testing soon!