That's correct...1/4 tsp is standard for a 6 gallon carboy.Just to clarify: that's 1/4 teaspoon for the entire batch, not per gallon, right?
That's correct...1/4 tsp is standard for a 6 gallon carboy.
New guy here... what does this accomplish? I have some carboys aging, didn't know I needed to add anything further.
Thanks for answering all my questions today in various threads! haha
I guess I'll have to buy some bulk k meta then.
I dissolve 2 tsp in 20oz of water. I use a syringe to add 15ml (1/2 oz) of the solution per gallon.
BobF posted this a couple of days ago for 1 gallon batches. I had problems with the campden tabs. I think this is a much better way to go.
I have a question sort of on the lines of this thread so I'm just going to post it here. ... I made a 6 gal batch of Pinot Noir in the beginning of this yr and it was bottled in March because the instructions said I could. The last steps, where I added the sorbate and clearing agent, it said to add kmeta. So is this wine still ok or should I have added more if I wanted to bulk age this? I recently tasted a bottle of this wine and it is coming along nicely. Should I be worried about letting it sit to age longer? What should I do if I need to add more k'meta? Open ALL the bottles up and add it? Would that mess the wine up?
Wait, I'm confused - when you bottled the wine, did the instructions say to add the sorbate, then the clearing agent, then k-meta when bottling? That would be strange, as the sorbate would usually be added after the clearing agent had settled out the finings.I have a question sort of on the lines of this thread so I'm just going to post it here. ... I made a 6 gal batch of Pinot Noir in the beginning of this yr and it was bottled in March because the instructions said I could. The last steps, where I added the sorbate and clearing agent, it said to add kmeta. So is this wine still ok or should I have added more if I wanted to bulk age this? I recently tasted a bottle of this wine and it is coming along nicely. Should I be worried about letting it sit to age longer? What should I do if I need to add more k'meta? Open ALL the bottles up and add it? Would that mess the wine up?
Wait, I'm confused - when you bottled the wine, did the instructions say to add the sorbate, then the clearing agent, then k-meta when bottling? That would be strange, as the sorbate would usually be added after the clearing agent had settled out the finings.
Regardless, if you added the k-meta at or immediately before the time of bottling, you are fine. This thread is clarifying that that if you bulk age in the carboy rather than bottle age (as you are doing, if you don't drink it right away), you need to add some extra k-meta that's not provided with the kit every 3-4-5 months of bulk aging. So if you bulk age a dry red for 10-12 months after fermenting, you will need to add additional k-meta to the carboy at least once, if not twice, before bottling (with another dose when bottled).